01 01 a.i. ASI awakening doodle family fly agaric 23 global tribe poem including history robert anton wilson steve flai symbol system tale of the tribe tsog +
02 02 albert camus henrik ibsen henry david thoreau mark twain robert anton wilson tale of the tribe tanmoy voltaire william shakespeare +
06 06 decentralized giordano bruno hermetic current infinity jbs haldane macroscosm magick memory wheels +
09 09 cantos cantoswake ezra pound finnegans wake hologrammic prose ideogrammic method marshall mcluhan medium is the message relativity tale of the tribe tanmoy +
10 10 alfred korzybski buckminster fuller decad general semantics geodesic domes language is a virus river stour stourbridge +
12 12 cosmic joke critical path global village marshall mcluhan mayan long count medium is the message +
14 14 ASI decentralized giambattista vico new science recorso recursive ricorsi social psychology social science tanmoy +
15 15 claude shannon core ontology entropy eternal return friedrich nietzsche god is dead information theory negentropy recursive surprise +
20 20 buckminster fuller carbon 60 double cross hermetic current hermeticism magick practical magick rivers robert anton wilson tale of the tribe triangles +
21 21 anthony burgess finnegans wake james joyce marshall mcluhan poetry recorso ricorsi tamil tanmoy Zen +