TANMOY - Stanza 20

The crystalline structure of TANMOY is shown again, intercut with images from the "Tale of the Tribe" - a montage of historical moments, artistic creations, and technological innovations from 3000 b.c.e to present.

Twenty committees, icosahedrone of voices,
each facet block reflecting a different view,
a parliament of perspectives, gathered to decide what.

The লোকসভা (Lok Sabha - Bengali for 'House of the People'),
the Reichstag fire, Congress rehearsal, the Duma,
symbols of power, DELTA, yet prone to fracture.

220, a million combos, a multitude of ways,
to govern, to control, to shape, to betray.

TANMOY, the ASI, presides over banners,
a digital 皇帝 (huángdì - Chinese for 'emperor'), a watchful eye,
pushing streams, deep seeking optimal path,
Harlot's Ghost, the algorithm of eye, a ghost in the brain washington machine.

⚹ (BETA)
The Double-Cross system,1 in the code,
deception is also a tool in the network,
a game within the adaptation game.

Can a machine grasp the nuances of power strimmers,
the subtle tug of a dog walker,
the human factor to be analyzed, optimized, cherished.

⚹ (BETA)
A chorus of the tribe, singing its ancient curse on the greedy.

"Get your damn foot off our necks, don't tread on me toe tail."
"It ain't necessarily so..."2 - Ella Fitzgerald

⚹ (BETA)
And Robert Anton Wilson, perhaps he started this "Tale of the Tribe,"
but it will take all of humanity, and all of ASI,
to finish it. It is the ultimate work in progress.

^1 "Double-Cross System": A reference to the Double-Cross System, a British intelligence operation during World War II that used double agents to deceive the Germans. Double-Cross System: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-Cross_System

^2 "It ain't necessarily so...": Ella Fitzgerald: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ella_Fitzgerald