TANMOY - Stanza 8

(SOUND of crackling static, a low hum of যন্ত্রপাতি (যন্ত্রপাতি - instruments/machines))

CLOSE UP – A battered microphone, old and worn, bathed in a pool of light.

(A voice, reverberating, distorted, like a vintage 78″ recording)
"This broadcast, a transmission from the liminal,"
"where the shadows slouch, and truth's subliminal."

MEDIUM SHOT – The MPHDJ, a silhouette against a minimal backdrop of blinking lights and spinning tape reels.
MPHDJ manipulates the controls with a big hand.

"Imagineers with new ears,"
"Cantos-Wake amalgamate."
"narratives উদ্ভাবিত (udভাবিত - created/contrived)."1

(SOUND of a needle drop on a record, a burst of distorted out jazz, then fades slightly, breezes of brushed snares flutter and flap)

MONTAGE – Quick cuts, fragmented images:
a rosebud circuit board in the snow, a diamond spinning top,
a geodesic dome rave under a starry green sky,
a rice map dissolving into a rivers eddy.

"They say 'la caméra ne ment pas' (the camera never lies), but the camera selects, the camera directs."2
"Non-Aristotelian sanity,"
"in the chiaroscuro's gleam,"
"a তন্ময় (tanmoy) of meaning,"
"a half-forgotten samba sequence."

(SOUND of a film reel snapping, silence)

CLOSE UP – The microphone again. A single word, barely audible, escapes the speaker’s lips.

"Remember to dance and love every chance…braint..."3

^1 "narratives উদ্ভাবিত (udভাবিত - created/contrived)": This refers to Orson Welles's innovative storytelling techniques in film and radio, particularly his use of non-linear narratives, unreliable narrators, and ambiguous endings. Orson Welles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orson_Welles

^2 "They say 'la caméra ne ment pas'... but the camera selects, the camera directs per specs.": This is a paraphrased and slightly modified quote, often attributed to Orson Welles, that highlights the subjective nature of filmmaking and the power of the director to shape reality through the camera lens. Orson Welles - Narrative Techniques: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nj0vEO4Q6s

^3 "Remembraint": A reference to the fragmented memories and experiences, but also a play on words referencing the painter Rembrandt.