From the banks o’ the STOUR,1
where th’ ফ্যাক্ট্রিজ (factories) rust like racers,
a new voice rises, from th’ coal data dust.
“Stir, hill climb yeah,”
“Bl-Black Country bay it,”
“drumma, turntablist, pep poet,”
“Sold and bought.”
“Yam not from 'round ‘sphere,”
“but the তন্ময় (tanmoy) kno-knows,”
“‘ow the Wake’s deep, watta wart waters,”
“thru the ages flower flows state mints.”
“Crooked huises”2 right loff,
“Fulla’s domes?”3 “T-T-Tek tek technology.”
“When the mode of the music changes,”4
“th’ walls of the city stir start to sway,”
“new kinda riddim search,”
“at th’ end of the data.”
"The will to truth is merely the longing for a stable world."
- Friedrich Nietzsche5
H = -∑ pi log2 pi
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
- Leonardo da Vinci6
"One should aim not at being possible to understand, but at being impossible to misunderstand."
- Quintilian7
MPHDJ screr scratchin’ gr-groove,
⊗ laughin’, “Wot you got, your move your move”
⟰ bl-blastin’, from th’ fact gates,
"The map ain’t the territory,"8 b’fore it’s too l-l-late,”
"A little পাগলামি (paglami - Bengali for madness) now and then is relished by the wisest men."
- A riff on Horace9
^1 River Stour:,_West_Midlands
^2 "Cantos an' Korzy-ski": Ezra Pound and Alfred Korzybski.
^3 "Fulla's domes": Buckminster Fuller:
^4 "When the mode of the music changes, the walls of the city shake": A quote attributed to Plato.
^5 "The will to truth is merely the longing for a stable world." Friedrich Nietzsche:
^6 "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Leonardo da Vinci:
^7 Attributed to Quintilian, *Institutio Oratoria* Quintilian:
^8 "The map ain't the territory": Alfred Korzybski:
^9 Horace: